Den Of Thieves Church

Part One
What is the name of the newest “church” in your community?

Isaiah was an interesting character. He was charged by God to preach to a nation that was sick from head to toe. He faithfully preached to rally and revive his nation to move beyond a religion of external activities, operating behind a thin façade of a form of godliness, that is superficial to say the least and soul damning to say the worst. Many of today’s churches have opted for the same. They are preaching a happy, best life, no need to change message that allows everyone to feel better, but does not bring true repentance and revival. Have you heard about these churches? They appear on the scene with the announcement, “church like you have never seen before”. Or come to “the church for people who don’t like church”. They use adjectives like: emerging, missional, seeking and etc. They want to be different and so by any kind of shock and awe seek to grab the attention of the community. They use rock and roll, dance, gymnastics, comedians, stars, gutter language and you name it to attract visitors. The theatres, schools, and other rented venues fill rapidly fill with people. The music pulses and throbs. The crowds dance and cheer. But our cities and our nation and world are no better. What is missing? They are not hearing the message of God, such as the one He gave Isaiah, one of judgment, the message of repentance like that of John the Baptist before the first coming of Messiah. And now, before His second coming, that message is being ignored again and exchanged for a placebo message of “I’m OK and your OK and God is OK with all of us. I for one believe God has something far better for us. I know that sometimes we may feel that we are like a “dry tree” compared to these other groups that grow to 1000’s within a few months. But look what God said to them in Isaiah 56. He said, “keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant”. If you will faithfully do this I have something to give you. He then lists several benefits of a CHOOSING to please Him instead of a worldly crowd. They are:
1. Sanctuary. “mine house” – a sacred or holy place; any place of refuge. Where can we still find a sacred or holy place? The world has come into the church and taken over. Nothing remains sacred.
2. Separation. “within my walls” Be ye separate. There is a difference between those on the outside and those on the inside. A different look, a different sound, and a different way of life.
3. Significance. To those who will choose the things that please God he gives a special significance: “a name better than sons and daughters”; an everlasting name; “to be his servants”; “joyful in my house of prayer”.
And yes, that is something else. He said “for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.” Jesus repeated these words in Matthew 21 and then added; “ but ye have made it a den of thieves.” I believe what Jesus was saying was that His intended purpose and plan for HIS HOUSE was being stolen. As in Isaiah’s day the sanctity of the church has been hijacked. The walls of separation have been removed. The significance of real prayer, real worship, real preaching and real Christian living has been ROBBED and things far inferior, things cheapened, diluted, carnal and even sinful are now in their place. I believe that along with all of the cutesy, mod and interesting names of churches today (ie: Quest, Elevation, Real Life, Without Walls, and etc.) probably only the one Jesus gave truly fits: DEN OF THIEVES CHURCH – (DOT Church). What needs to be done? Look for what Isaiah said needed to be done in an upcoming blog. DOT Church -Part Two

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