Monthly Archives: August 2007


How do you think of prayer? I have a deep interest in the subject and try to continually learn more about it. But the best way to learn of prayer is not by reading or hearing about it, but by practicing prayer. There is no greater need in our lives than the need to pray more and to do so effectively. Of course our greatest example of prayer is the Lord Jesus Christ. Though He did not pray primarily to give us an example we can learn so much about prayer as we see Him at prayer. Most of our prayers, as someone has said, are offered up wholesale, yet we expect retail answers. That is to say, we put little into our prayer yet we expect a great deal from God in return. Prayers can be short like Peter’s prayer as he sank beneath the waves and cried, “Save me!” Prayers can be long. Some spend hours in prayer. We learn from the Scriptures that our prayer must be accompanied by righteousness, faith, effectiveness and fervency to accomplish much. I have no doubt that James learned this while considering the great example of Jesus as he prayed in Gethsemane. Luke records “And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” Artists have often portrayed Christ as serenely praying with a halo like light above His head. Luke gives us a word picture of how it really was. One commentary says that the battle of the cross was first fought and won in Gethsemane. The anguish when he suffered in the garden was equal to that on the cross. In effect Christ shed blood first there in the garden and gave Himself up first while praying in Gethsemane before He ever gave Himself up to the cruel Roman soldiers for their beatings and crucifixion. What an example of prayer that brings power, victory and overcomes the enemy! I need this kind of power and victory in my life. So do you. To have it means we must pray. The problem I have and with many today is that we follow the example of the disciples who were sleeping instead of watching and praying and following the example of Jesus. Lord, teach us to pray.

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All night had been spent in prayer. (Luke 6:12-13) When the morning came Jesus called together the twelve “that they should be with him”. (Mark 3:14) The work of the church began as Jesus brought these chosen men together. There was nothing notable or special about them. But for the next few months He trained them. They traveled together. They ate together. They lived together. They learned together and they worked together. This being together with him was the learning and practical part. He was preparing them together until the time when He would send them forth to gather others. Finally in Luke 24 we find that the disciples were gathered together when Christ appeared among them and commissioned them “that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in my name among all nations.” Essentially he said all of the training had been so that now they could together GO into all the world as His witnesses. The purpose: To preach the Gospel, win the lost, build churches, train workers so (Ephesians 4:12) “that in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him.” (Ephesians 1:10) Why do churches meet? We are supposed to still be doing what Jesus taught those first church members to do – come together to gather. Let’s keep that in mind: “TOGETHER TO GATHER.”

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Ministering To Post Moderns

All of us who want to reach people for Christ have our interest peaked when someone speaks of ministering to others. I suppose it is especially true when many today are chasing change and new churches, missions and endeavors are constantly presented to us as absolutely necessary to reach our present generation. It does affect all of us who are living now. So when I hear of the post moderns and that it takes something special to reach them I am naturally curious. I want to be effective. I want to reach them. I know that what I am about to say will not set well with some but this is what I believe to be true. Much of what is said of post moderns of our 21st century sounds very much like what we know of those who lived in the 1st century. It is said of post moderns that they are skeptical of institutions, cannot identify with church buildings, the lingo is not known, and they are unfamiliar with rituals and beliefs. Couldn’t the same thing be said of those who lived in the 1st century in and around Jerusalem? So how did the early church deal with the “post moderns” of their day? They dealt with post moderns with post resurrection power. As the early church set out to reach those around them with the Gospel message of Christ they faced unbelief, opposition and persecution. But they had a strategy to reach those who had their own way of thinking. They used their own brand of W-3 or W-cubed ministry. This is not something new for the 21st century post moderns. They were reaching people with the whatever, wherever and whenever strategy in the early church. Read Acts! The difference was this: whatever they did, wherever they did it and whenever they did it was all done in the efficacy of their experience of post resurrection power. Acts 4:33 says it better than I can – “And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.” How can we minister to post moderns today? With the post resurrection preaching, power and passion. When we regain the integrity, the truth and the power of the post resurrection message and passionately preach it and witness it to the lost of any age it will be effective and successful. Lets go back to go ahead. We have a timeless message, and an inexhaustible power Source. No need to change and compromise. Unashamedly preach Christ, His death, burial and resurrection. There is NOTHING more RELEVANT to any age than eternal TRUTH.

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Mission Conference In The Desert


In a mission conference we are introduced to others out in the world that have great spiritual needs. We are helped to understand what is our responsibility and how to gain the victory. Philip had a great mission conference in the Gaza desert. In Acts 8 we find what he discovered as he obeyed God. First we see:

1. The Place And People For Our Service. (verse 26-27) God may call some away from their comfort zones. Philip was having a great time of success in Samaria when God said, “Arise and go toward the south.” God may call some to go to obscure and difficult places like Gaza. The work of God always involves people. Philip was told to go to a man of Ethiopia.
2. The Practice And Preaching He Wants Us To Do. (verse 30) Like the eunuch there are multitudes who do not understand God’s ways. That is why someone needs to go. God has given His Word. We must go and preach and teach. (verse 32-34) And we must remember the message is “JESUS”. (verse 35)
3. The Plan And Purpose For Our Missionary Work. (verses 36-38; Matthew 28:18-20) We are to teach. “if thou believest” Some will be converted. “I believe”. Then we must baptize them. (verse 38) And we certainly must continue on to do this same ministry again and again. (verses 39-40) Where will we be found? Hopefully doing what God has commanded.

See other mission outlines in the series: Unusual Mission Conferences.
Mission Conference On The Mount
Mission Conference In The Cemetery

Mission Conference On The Move

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Yet, I Will Rejoice!

Ever had one of those days when every thing that could go wrong – went wrong! We’ve all had them. And guess what? You will have them again. So how do you react? I believe we can learn a lesson from Habbakuk. He reminds us that when all goes wrong and when all is gone – God is still there. (Habbakuk 3:17-19) When he had plenty he enjoyed God in all, but when he was empty and poor, he enjoyed all in God . He said, “Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the
fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” When God is our strength we can bear up under many a heavy burden and endure many difficult loses. Rejoice in the Lord!

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When Adam and Eve sinned there in the garden they had followed the deceitful path of rebellion against the Word of God. They started down the worldly road that took them away from God’s presence and His sweet fellowship. They had made the choice. Stick with God or go it on your own. They chose to go it on their own. Not a good choice. When God came looking, ready to find them for fellowship, He instead had to send out the search party. “Adam, where art thou.” When we go it alone we wind up off the right path, away from the presence of God, shamed by our sin, hidden away and trying to cover up with our own self made wardrobe of fig leaves. How many of us make these same bad choices day after day. Instead of the sweet fellowship of prayer and the Word we rush out into our busy world. Suddenly we find out we are not unprepared for what we must face. We find ourselves following the agenda which is cunningly set out for us by the world, our flesh (our own understanding) and the devil. That is why we must first pray and seek God’s guidance. When we pray we are saying no to their agenda, no to their schemes and to their interpretation of how our lives should be lived. Someone has rightly said that prayer is our rebellion to the fallen course of this world. Lord help me today to choose fellowship with YOU and not have to worry that later I may be hiding out trying to cover my sin, shame and failure by a few ill-fitting fig leaves.

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Does God Want Your Worship?

Have you ever heard more being said about worship today? Everywhere you turn you hear of the various forms and styles of worship. Worship is being designed, formatted, enhanced and strategized so that it will be a pleasing, fulfilling, entertaining, and comfortable experience for all participants. But I worry that many times the very ONE whom we are supposed to worship is the last one we consider when we worship. Today great efforts are made to use all the technology, the lights, sounds and sights available to create just the proper stage for worship. All manner of music is utilized. A variety of instruments, singers, choreographers and participants are prepared. Thousands of dollars are spent on videos, slideshows, backdrops, scenery and set ups to enhance the program. Finally the moment comes. The crowd has arrived. They have streamed into the auditorium with breathless anticipation of this weeks worship. The musicians are ready. The worship team is ready. The technical crew is ready. Everything is in place. But here I believe it is necessary for us again to pause just long enough for us to remember that the most important ONE for the worship must be considered. I believe in real worship we better remember that we have an audience of ONE. A holy God! And though he seeks worshippers we are told this worship must meet His criteria of being both spiritual and truthful. Perhaps one of the best examples of worship that was rejected by God is found in 1 Samuel 15:21-23. Saul and those with him were preparing to have an action packed and rousing worship service with all of the spoils they had recovered. It was going to be great. They had a big time of worship with all these sacrifices planned. Then a nosy old prophet names Samuel popped in and things took a different turn. He told them God was more interested in obedience than their worship. Imagine! God refusing worship. Yet that is exactly what was taking place. The Lord has greater delight in our obedience than in any worship offered without it. Many today try to worship God with all the spoils of the world. Confident that in all their great efforts God will be pleased and overlook their sin, shallowness, worldliness and disobedience. Your bad. God does not want your worship. He wants you to follow his Word. He wants your obedience.

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Mission Conference On The Mount

jesus-ascension21.jpgA mission conference is the time when Christians and churches are confronted withthe main task of the church and the last command of our Commander in Chief. We learn the responsibility of true Christians. In our Lord’s earthly ministry we find Him holding these conferences not in churches, but in many places, sometimes unusual settings. He we find the Lord on a mountain and in this conference His followers and hopefully we will learn that first: OUR MISSION HAS A PRIORITY. (6-7) There will always be many compelling issues in our Christian lives, such as the disciples asked about the coming kingdom, but none are more compelling, none have a greater priority, than the Great Commission. It is the main thing, our first work. Secondly we learn that OUR MISSION IS ABOUT A PERSON. (8) He said you will be witness unto ME. Though He was leaving, He was sending another to be with us and in us. The mission of the Holy Spirit was to be all about Jesus. He was not here to speak of Himself or promote Himself, but Jesus. Next we learn that OUR MISSION IS ENDORSED WITH POWER. (8) He said we would receive power. The mission He was commissioning us to requires this supernatural power. The people that we are (weak, sinful humans) requires this power. We also learn that OUR MISSION HAS A PLAN. (8) He said we were to work “both” locally and globally. The plan calls for witness. The plan has a world wide scope. And finally we learn that OUR MISSION CARRIES A PROMISE. (11) This same Jesus Who predominates our message and witness is coming back in the same manner He left. Those who are busy in this mission have the promise of His presence. (Matthew 28:18-20) We have the promise of his provision. (Philippians 4:19) And there is a promise for purity in the hope of His return. (1 John 3:3) This conference on the mount had a tremendous impact upon those earlier Christians. Look what they did! (Acts) Would to God we could learn these same lessons. The world in our generation is waiting for someone to get on with the mission!

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Happy Anniversary – 31 Years!

Thirty-one years ago this month I was married to my beautiful wife Frances. The Lord has wonderfully blessed us with two amazing children, Victoria and Ransom. I still remember well that day as I stood at the front of the church in Hopewell, Virginia and watched my bride as she came down the aisle with her father. She has continued to be a faithful and terrific best friend, wife, help meet and ministry partner for these many years. We can only praise and thank the Lord for all His goodness, grace and mercy for giving us these wonderful years to serve Him together. We are still involved doing the same ministry that we have been doing together all these years. Today we will work side by side again in our church’s clinic ministry, Carelink International Clinic. It will be a wonderful opportunity to touch literally scores of lives. Not a bad thing to do for our anniversary! Of course we have a romantic evening planned after our long day. I made reservations for a nice dinner in West Palm Beach.

Today is the anniversary of my parents too! We were married on their 25th anniversary. So I want to wish my parents, Jim and Rosalie Maggard a happy 56th!

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Seeking God’s Will

Muller’s Six Point Plan

George Muller is well known for getting answers to the prayers he made to keep over 100,000 orphans housed, clothed and fed during his lifetime. We along with Muller can claim the promise of 1 John 5:14 if we pray according to the will of God. Here is the plan that Muller gives for finding and knowing the will of God.

1. I seek at the beginning to get my heart into such a state that it has no will of its own in regard to a given matter.
2. Having done this, I do not leave the result to feeling or simple impression. If I do so, I make myself liable to great delusions.
3. I seek the will of the Spirit through, or in connection with, the Word of God.
4. Next I take into account providential circumstances. These often plainly indicate God’s will in connection with His Word and Spirit.
5. I ask God in prayer to reveal His will to me aright.
6. Thus, through prayer to God, the study of the Word, and reflection, I come to a deliberate judgment according to the best of my ability and knowledge.

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