Down The Via Dolorosa

viadolorosaJohn 19:1
Introduction: There is a place in Jerusalem traditionally known as the Via Dolorosa. They say this is the way Jesus walked as he carried his cross on the way to Calvary. The song writer says this is a way of suffering. So let us look at this famous picture. We will see …1. A Way Of Shame. John 19:1-3
A. The shame of unjust condemnation.
B. The shame of undue cruelty. Scourging,
thorns and smiting.
C.The shame of an unloving crowd.
D.The shame of underhanded cowardliness.
2. A Way Of Sinlessness. John 19:4-6; 12; 14
A. Sinlessness declared. “I find no fault”
B. Sinlessness delivered. John 19:16
3. A Way Of Sacrifice. John 19:13-16; Isaiah 53
A. The Prophesied Lord.
B. The Passover Lamb.
4. A Way Of Suffering.
A. Jesus bore His cross. John 19:17
B. Jesus bore our curse. Galatians 3:13
5. A Way Of Substitution.
A. He took our place.
(i) in judgment
(ii) In death
(iii) in hell
B. He took our punishment.
C.He provided our pardon.
6. A Way Of Separation. John 19:25-27
A. Separated from followers.
B. Separated from family.
C.Separated from the Father. Matthew 27:46
7. A Way Of Satisfaction. John 19:30 “It is
A. Sin’s payment was final.
B. Sin’s punishment was final.
Conclusion: He paid a debt He did not owe. I owed a debt I could not pay. I needed someone to wash my sins away. Jesus did it all for me.

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Friend, God has you where He wants you.

Mark5-19God has you where He wants you.

James 1:1-2 “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.
My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations…”

Today I want to begin speaking about things to do in a dispersion: When we are in the place God in his omnipotence has placed us. This is a letter from the half brother of Jesus, who calls himself the servant of God. He is writing to some of his Jewish brethren who because of pressure and persecution had been scattered far and wide. In one sense it is not unlike the situation that we find ourselves in during this crisis, the pandemic of the coronavirus. We have been sent from our jobs, our normal activities and into a “lockdown” in our homes. Many are living in fear motivated by the media. There are people dying. Multitudes are infected. It is an unprecedented time for sure. We have be scattered or dispersed. During this dispersion many are filled with anxiety. The local police sheriff said today that the number of calls to his officers for problems of domestic violence and other related issues are up. The number of persons who have been “baker acted” or sent involuntarily to a facility for mental evaluations are also up. Some are already speaking of the long term emotional and mental effects this crisis is having and saying some may well suffer PSTD as a result. Some are speaking out in anger. Most are nervous. So, what should we as believers be doing during our dispersion. Let us look into this.
James in his letter says at the end of verse one, “greetings”. This is found in no other Christian letter.  In the original Greek (chairein) for “greeting,” there is a connection with the “joy” which we will speak more of in a few moments. James is endeavoring to exhort his community during their existing distresses from dispersion, poverty and consequent oppression. We see this comparison in Rom 15:26 which alludes to their poverty.
Then James writes “my brethren” a phrase often found in this epistle, speaking to his community of nation and of faith. Brethren, he begins to say, these trials you are in presently, God knows all about. You are there by His sovereignty, in His omnipotence.
God has placed you where He wants you – and just like the Jews of old God has placed you and where He wants us. The first century dispersion was a divinely ordered means of propagating Christianity. Several times in the Gospels and ministry of Jesus he told those newly forgiven and cleansed to “go to your home”. Go tell what great things God has done for you. Go be a testimony to your family. Go bring glory to God in your neighborhood. So what do we do during these difficult times?
James by inspiration says,  “Count it joy when ye fall into divers temptations”. Temptations, trials, and afflictions, are sent by God, and are designed to draw out the grace that Christ has put within our lives. “All joy” which speaks of — cause for the highest joy. Or nothing but joy.  Christianity teaches believers to be joyful under troubles. So how are we reacting to these pressures?  Most of us respond to trials not normally by rejoicing, but we must make a conscious commitment to face them with joy. See Phil. 3:1
The last comment we will make is about the “falling into temptations”. This is speaking of falling unexpectedly into a trial. Most of us just a month or so ago would have never considered what we are seeing now in this worldwide pandemic. We can learn though, that distresses of any kind are given to test and purify our Christian character. Later in James 5:13 he speaks of those who were sick. We see many falling sick all around us. Beloved, every trial we face as a child of God is a strategy of our Lord determined to help us for our good. This Greek word (temptations) actually speaks of trouble, or something that breaks the pattern of peace, comfort, joy, and happiness in someone’s life.  When this virus and the ensuing pandemic unfolded on us our normal peace and comfort was tellsomebodybroken. The verb form of this word means “to put someone or something to the test,” with the purpose of discovering that person’s nature or that thing’s quality. God brings such tests to prove—and increase—the strength and quality of one’s faith and to demonstrate our faith’s validity.  Every trial becomes a test of faith given by an omnipotent God to strengthen us.
BUT REMEMBER brethren – even during this difficult crisis we are where we are by God’s divine purposes. You and I are where God wants us. So work on it. Count it highest joy. Be the best and most useful believer that you can be in YOUR PLACE, God helping us.

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Go Into Your House … and then what?

lookingwindoOur last Sunday message from Mark centered on “Forgiveness”. Mark 2:5-7 It’s Reality. It’s Remedy. It’s Rejoicing. This Sunday: Glorifying – After forgiveness we are told to arise. Many stay in their bed. Continue as cripples. But Jesus said – Get up and get going. That is a little hard to do right now – stuck in our houses like we are. We think there is nothing we can do. But there are many, many things we can do. But first – ARISE! He was told to go to his house. Jesus often told those he healed and forgave to return to their houses. Why? What Jesus does for us needs to be shown first in our home, with our families. They say even your dog will know if you have been converted. There will be a change. Others will see this change. After the forgiveness there are things to do … the first is this:
1. They glorified God. Mark 2:12 Oh that the work of redemption in our own lives would bring such a response. They were all amazed and glorified God. We have never seen anything like this. What do people say and do because of your conversion, salvation, change. Do they glorify God. This is a week for us to praise and glorify the Lord. We remember that first Palm Sunday. This began the week when Jesus would be crucified. It began with His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. They put palm leaves in his path. They sang out Glory to God in the highest. They cried “Hosanna,” which literally means “Save now, I beseech thee. They thought Jesus was coming in to take back the government. He was coming to die for their sins. They glorified the Lord. Is your life one that causes others to glorify God.
2. They followed the Lord. Mark 2:13-14 Oh that we would follow the Lord as His disciples. When we see how good He is to forgive us and save us. It should be our joy to hear His teaching and His call to follow. Are you following? That first Palm Sunday we could see the reaction of His disciples – may it be an example to us today. Mat 21:1-11
a. Ears to listen. Mat 21:1-5
b. Feet to go. Mat 21:6 a
c. Will to obey. Mat 21:6-7
d. Possessions to share. Mat 21:7-8
e. Lips to proclaim. Mat 21:9-11
Also we see when called Matthew arose and followed Mark 2:14. These are things forgiven people do. Are you following like a disciple?
3. They Fellowshipped. Mark 2:15 He not only followed but they came together. I know that we are presently isolated in our houses. We can only meet via FaceBook or telephone, etc. But let us not forget – don’t let this time cause you to forget the imperative, the command Hebrews 10:24-25 to be together. Stay connected. There are those who want to see our Christian way of life and worship destroyed. This has happened in other countries. The church has had to move to secret meetings. Let us pray this is not one of the results in this pandemic.
Jesus reminded them as they questioned meeting together with publicans and sinners that this was the reason he came. This was also what the first Palm Sunday was about. He was coming to die for sinners. Mark 2:17. Friend, Jesus came to die. Luke 19:10. For me and you! He said when he returned would he find any faith? Will he? What about you? Have you trusted him alone to save you. He came to save you. You are a sinner and cannot save yourself. Your church cannot save you. Christ alone can save. Repent of your sin. Call out for forgiveness. Believe in Jesus who alone can save and forgive. Not good works. Titus 3:5. Salvation is only by God’s grace through faith. Eph 2:8-9.
Then friend. After you are forgiven. Arise. Glorify God. Follow Him. Fellowship with Him. Share Him with others!

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Someone Prayed For You

JesusprayingIntroduction: During these interesting days of the pandemic we are all meeting new challenges, facing new difficulties and at the same time trying to reach new heights for ministry. We thank God for this! We want to remain prayerful for those fearful, those truly sick and of course the lonely, dying and sorrowful.

These are interesting times. I believe it will be a time when some are being helped and blessed and some may be hurt and damaged. What about you? I believe this will be a time of testing. Testing our faith. Some may find more time to do Bible reading. Some may spend more time in prayer. Some may find more opportunities to speak to others about their faith. But on the other hand some may do far less.

Many of us are under “social distancing” mandates. We are to stay apart from others at least 6 feet. But we must also remember and endeavor in all that we can to not allow distance to come between us and our Lord. We are finding that one of the great reasons we meet together in church is to help us maintain community – share things in common, support one another, pray for one another and be together in unity. This time of forced separation will be a time that our faith is tested and Satan will attempt to disrupt our lives.

I read a passage in Luke 22:31-32 that sheds some light upon our current situation. Here are the main points I want to share.

1. Satan wants to “sift” us. During this time of social distancing, many fears, sicknesses, the news of so many deaths, businesses closing, schools closing, no travel and stay at home Satan will use this to sift us.

Attacks of Satan are nothing new. He has been around since the beginning and has a big play book. This pandemic and its panic effects are just another chapter in his book. 1 Peter 5:8. He is still roaming around the earth wreaking havoc. Job 1:7. He is plan has not changed. John 10:10 a. He is still a liar. John 8:44 b. He wants to devour us, damage us, kill us and if possible destroy our very faith. All bad news! News that goes right in our news headlines today.

2. But, it is not all bad news. Look at Luke 22:32
Jesus said “BUT I have prayed for thee”. He doesn’t say he sent good wishes. He doesn’t say he might help us later. He said He has already prayed. None of this took Jesus by surprise. He knew it all before. He already prayed! And look – so “that thy faith fail not”. He doesn’t want us to be weakened, fearful, damaged or destroyed. He wants us to be strong in faith. During these days you will be tested but be trusting. Be faithful to fill your mind and heart with God’s word instead of worldly things. Colossians 3:16-17 Be guided in the right way and godly way through prayer and seeking the Lord instead of following the worldly herd mentality and going with the crowd. Colossians 3:1-2; Psalms 119:105; Philippians 4:6-9 This is how you will be able to benefit from Jesus praying for you while Satan does all he can to sift you and shake you. Keep your eyes on Jesus.

3. Oh, one more thing from our text. Luke 22:32 b. “When thou art converted (changed – turned around), strengthen thy brethren. Hey friend! Let’s get some good out of all of this! When you realize the power of Jesus praying for you – already prayed for you – and the power and blessing that is to you – turn around and help someone else. Romans 12:5;15:1 . We are seeing this now all around us. This should be the normal default of every believer and not just during a pandemic.

There is a greater “pandemic” called sin that we deal with ALL the time and it has infected ALL. Romans 3:10;23 All are sinners. All are appointed to death and judgment. Hebrews 9:27 . We cannot save ourselves. Titus 3:5-6 We can only be rescued from this sin pandemic by way of the only remedy, the only cure. The cost for this is enormous. It took the death of God’s only Son, Jesus Christ. He loves us. John 3:16 ; Romans 5:8 Here is what you need to do: Admit and understand that you are a sinner without hope ( Ephesians 2:12 ) of salvation from any other way. Acts 4:12; John 14:6. Repent. Luke 13:3 Believe upon the Lord with all of your heart. Romans 10:9 Call upon the Lord. Romans 10:13 He will save you!

Remember: Satan wants to sift you and destroy you. BUT Jesus has already prayed for you. Be strengthened. Share the gospel with others.

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Lessons For Times When We Feel Alone

Lessons For Times When We Feel Alone – John 14

Intro: The disciples were being prepared by Jesus for a humanly impossible task. Reach the world. They would be without the physical presence of Jesus. He had been with them up until now. He begins with encouragement and comfort. We need it too.

1- We have the promise of a PREPARED PLACE. No matter what happens in the world – this is not the end, but the beginning of something more. John 14:1-4 Some of the sweetest words ever recorded. Let not your heart be troubled…

2- We have a message to deliver, a PRECISE PROCLAMATION. John 14:6 For all times. It is not obscure. It is not optional. Jesus declared that He is the way to God because he is the truth of God (John 1:14) and the life of God (John 1:4 3:15; 11:25)

3- We have a belief based outcome of PROMISED POTENTIAL. John 14:12-13 Jesus as God incarnate is unmistakably clear in this Gospel John 14:12 “greater works” – based on believing v 12 Jesus did not mean greater works in power, but in extent. (In some ways, via internet, etc we can reach more than ever.) They would become witnesses to all the world through the power of the indwelling and infilling of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) and would bring many to salvation because of the Helper dwelling in them. The only way Jesus’ disciples would be able to be used to do those greater works was through the power of the Holy Spirit, and he could not be sent as the Helper until Jesus returned to the Father (John 14:26; 7:39)

4- We have a promise of PROVISION & PRESENCE of God for any need in regard to our mission. John 14:13 – 26 – What comfort!!! What resources!! All to accomplish the task. (To ask in Jesus’ “name” does not mean to tack such an expression on the end of a prayer as a mere formula. It means:1) the believer’s prayer should be for his purposes and kingdom and not selfish reasons; 2) the believer’s prayer should be on the basis of his merits and not any personal merit or worthiness; and 3) the believer’s prayer should be in pursuit of his glory alone.) Verse 18 – not orphans. Remembrance. Teaching. Everything!!

5 – We have a PROMISED PEACE for our life and work. Our world is full of stress, depression, and every unbelievable issue. BUT …. John 14:27 Benefit of obedience. Him going away AND coming again. And as “the Prince of Peace” (Isa 9:6) He brought it into flesh, carried it about in His Own Person (“My peace”) died to make it ours, left it as the heritage of His disciples upon earth, implants and maintains it by His Spirit in their hearts.

He was preparing them and empowering them to face all odds and let the world KNOW ——

Beloved all this WE have! No excuses! The disciples were prepared – and we are too.

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Brethren pray for us!

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October 29, 2019 · 10:11 pm

Passion In The Passion Week

“Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.” John 13:1

The definition of passion is as follows:

  1. strong and barely controllable emotion.
  2. the suffering and death of Jesus.

Considering the meanings of the word passion I realize that Jesus not only showed us passion by example, but He taught it to His followers.  We are presently in the passion week. What can we remember from this important week that is necessary for our lives today?

Jesus interacted with His disciples in the days before His crucifixion (John 13:1-33).  It was nearing that hour for which He had come. He taught His followers about passion not only by His words, but by actions and in symbol. Everything about this week has given His followers and the world so much to consider about life and eternity.

I am afraid however, that many times the unforgettable images of the cross, the darkness of the tomb and even the glorious splendor of the resurrection overshadow the tremendous truth about love that Jesus taught His followers during passion week.

We must always trumpet the victory of the cross and triumph in the glorious resurrection but it must all be done in the passion of love which He commanded for HIs disciples as He traveled toward the cross. “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” (John 13:34-45)

So as we approach this resurrection day do a self check about your own passion. Many are prideful to be known by their denomination, affiliation, doctrine and the like. They proudly wear their brands and think more highly of themselves for doing it. But the Savior said we were to be known by the love we have. What some idealize as as a demonstration of their passion is really foreign to the passion He taught His followers. Instead some come across as doctrinal bullies or brash and braggadocio.

This passion week let us first of all love our Lord with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength. Mark 12:30  Let us love our fellow Christian. John 15:12 Let us love strangers of all nations and all those for whom Christ died. Acts 1:8 – Show some passion!



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Above And Beyond The Call


Adrian, German & Ron

These have been busy times but I finally was able to get caught up on some needed correspondence with our pastors. I was communicating today with our newest work that we organized last December in Costa Rica, Mexico (don’t be confused – Costa Rica is a town near the Guatemalan border and the larger city of Comalapa, Chiapas, Mexico). The pastor we are working with there is Pastor Adrian Gonzalez. He and his family are a tremendous blessing. The work is growing AND even better they are beginning another work about 20 km away in Agua Zarca. He reports they are meeting with 12 adults not counting the children. Not a bad start! Some might say that is above and beyond – but I say that is the regular function of New Testament churches. We are also very thankful for the extra effort that Pastor German Sylvestre makes for us each week as he travels across the border from Tzisbaj, Guatemala to teach discipleship and help in the ministry.  cr1

I wanted to share these blessings with you and I wanted to make known some of the needs they are praying for today. They are in need of a van or good transportation to use between these two works. Also they are looking into the purchase of land for Costa Rica. Presently they are meeting on the porch of Pastor Adrian’s house. Please keep these things in prayer.





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In The Potter’s Hands

IMG_3526I am sitting in the hospital in Virginia as my dad recovers from an amputation that was necessary because he developed an infection in his right leg. He has sure been through the mill. Retiring after pastoring the same church more than 50 years. He was still preaching from time to time until late last year when he suffered a stroke. Since that time he has required a great deal of care. Some wonder and have asked, why doesn’t God take him? Mom hovers over him not remembering from moment to moment where he is and what happened to him. She suffers from Alzheimers. Why is she still here?


A dear friend, Dr Fred Carroll sent out a letter yesterday that was so timely. I asked him if I could use his letter. He kindly agreed. He says it better than I can.  Here is his letter:


pottershands Years ago when I became pastor of Central Baptist Church  ( January 1,1998) there was a man, Philip Minni that was in charge of making sure the 10 acres of  grass on the property was cut each week.  Saturday October 6, Phil will be 97 years old.

I visited Phil for over 14 years (once a week) — first, as a shut-in at his home, then in his small apartment at the Friends House in Sandy Spring, MD and  then in their nursing home, where he is now..

In 2017 he had lost most of his current memory, and at times did not know who I was. But each week he would carry on a conversation and we would talk of the Lord. Phil said many times “He did not know how people could live without Christ being their personal S


He still is living and will celebrate 97 years the Lord has given him this Saturday.  Why is he still here on earth?? I really don’t know, but you know what, the Heavenly Potter does!!!

I am now 76+ years old. There are many aches and pains that we experience every day that come with older age. I am reminded of Hebrews 9:27  “and as  it is appointed unto man once to die” which all of us must do one day, it is inevitable.  But praise the Lord for v 28 “so Christ was once delivered to bear the sins of many”

Jannette & I have accepted Christ as our personal Savior as did Phil Minni many years ago.

So why are we still here??  Well, that brings me to the holy  Scripture for the answer:

Jeremiah 18:1-4 (KJV)
1  The word which came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying,
2  Arise, and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words.
3  Then I went down to the potter’s house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels.
4  And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.

Isaiah 45:9 (KJV)
9  Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?

You see we are not the potter. We are only clay. The proper thing for the clay to do is to trust the Potter and yield to His skillful hands.  The Reformer Ulrich Zwingli (1484- 1531) once wrote to a friend: “I beseech Christ for this one thing daily, that He will enable me to endure all things courageously, and that He break me as a potter’s vessel or make me strong, as it pleases Him.”

The question is, are we willing to trust the Potter? Do we really believe that He knows best, designs best, shapes best and fashions best?  If we have truly given our hearts to God for our salvation, we can trust Him to transform us into something useful and beautiful.  It seems hard to believe, doesn’t it, but it is because He is not even close to being finished yet working things out in our lives. Our Savior is taking the time to work on the parts of our lives that are lumpy and off-centered.  Some parts He may need to smash down and raise up all over again. Will we really trust Him – really trust Him – to do what is best??

Adelaide Pollard (1862-1934) wrote a hymn for willing clay, the kind of clay that stays on the wheel to be shaped in the Potter’s hands:

Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!

                          Thou art the potter, I am the clay.

                          Mold me and make me after thy will.

                          While I am waiting, yielded and still.

                        Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!

                          Hold over my being absolute sway!

                          Fill with thy Spirit till all shall see

                                    Christ only, always, living in me!

May the above thoughts be a blessing to you – no matter what your age or circumstances – and encourage you at this time of your life – October 3, 2018.

Your brother in Christ, Frederick W. Carroll  “a piece of clay in the Divine Potter’s hands.”

Thank you Dr Carroll. The above words are so true and very appropriate for me at this time. We are In The Potter’s Hands. Dad and Mom are in His loving hands. He knows best. Dad always said he wanted to wear out and not rust out. Well, he is pretty much worn out – but, yes, still in the Potter’s hands. Mom is too. You are too. So am I. And thankful to be there – IN THE POTTER’S HANDS.


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Moments In Bible Study

From my Bible study this morning: Orderliness and details matter to the Lord. Are we too haphazard, too disorganized – too set on doing everything our own way – how we like it and have not a care for what God wants. (Exodus 39:42-40:34) “THEN a cloud covered the tent … the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.” No, we don’t live in tabernacle / temple days. But the orderliness, the pattern of things that mattered to God then give us an idea of how instructions and details STILL matter to God. Just think what might happen if we followed closely the pattern of evangelism, church planting, discipleship and all things spiritual. Today we look for kingdom advancement, revival and church growth while every man does what he deems as “right in his own eyes”. (Judges 17:6) May God help us!



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